Ellen Chapple


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Ellen moved to Atlanta about eight years ago, where she majored in Media Entrepreneurship at Georgia State University. Since the age of 16, she has always enjoyed customer-facing job roles, from serving at restaurants to taking on sales roles, because she is passionate about helping others.

The transition to Real Estate was a joy for Ellen, as she loves educating buyers and sellers on the real estate process and helping remove the fears that can sometimes accompany those huge life decisions. She believes that real estate can be a powerful tool for continual wealth, and she wants to show people that it is attainable.

Ellen grew up in Fayetteville, GA, just south of the city about 40 minutes away, with her lovely family of five. She's the oldest of three sisters and loves the outdoors and traveling. She has been to over 22 countries, and she and her husband live in Reynoldstown with their black German Shepherd named Milo. They have dreams of owning a beach home one day!


The following reviews are from independently administered satisfaction surveys of verified Justin Landis Group clients and client reviews left on Google, Facebook, Yelp, and Zillow.com.  Every review counts toward an agent's overall rating.  These reviews reflect each client's own views and opinions.

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