Zoo Atlanta is bringing back “Brew at the Zoo”
A 17 Year Pent Up Scream
Union County in northeast Georgia wants you to know; that isn’t an alarm. It's just the loudest, most dense cicada emergence in 17 years. Please stop calling them. Cicadas come out of the dirt every 17 years to mate, lay eggs, and die. There are many broods or generations of cicadas that emerge every year in 13 or 17 year cycles. Brood X, which has been underground since 2004, are the mac daddy of all generations. Cicadas are harmless. They can’t hurt or bite people or animals because they don’t have mouths. They do very limited damage to plants and agriculture. They are just very, very gross-looking and scream their heads off. So, don’t worry about them and be a little empathetic. A lot has happened in the last 17 years. I know I would need a good scream purely from finding out what happened to Beyonce since 2004, “She left Destiny’s Child?! She married Jay-Z?!?! They had BABIES?!?! HE CHEATED ON HER?!?! SHE PUT OUT AN ALBUM THAT WAS JUST about him cheating that absolutely DRAGGED him? They’re STILL together?!?! Did I use the term “dragged” right because it wasn’t a term in 2004?!?!”
Tigers and Lions and Beers Oh My!
After a year hiatus Zoo Atlanta is bringing back “Brew at the Zoo” this weekend. The event will be entirely outside, and there will be limited tickets for Covid precautions. There will be four chances this summer to drink and debate which zoo animals you could beat in a fight: May 27, June 25, July 23, & August 27. A little extra bonus of the reduced attendance will be the shorter lines for beer. Eleven of Georgia’s most popular local breweries will be pouring beer— including Sweetwater, New Realm, and Red Hare. “Brew at the Zoo” is a 21 and older-only event so leave the kiddos at home. Find more info and purchase your tickets here.
Haven’t got a shot yet and love baseball? The Atlanta Braves have got you covered. Before four games in May and June, there will be free vaccination set up at the Battery. They will have the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for 18 and older plus the Pfizer vaccine for those 12 and older. Anyone of the appropriate age is eligible for a shot. No insurance or photo ID is needed. The best part! Everyone who gets vaccinated receives two free tickets to a future Braves game. There is no need to register, but the shots will be first come first serve. So, to ensure you can get a shot you can register ahead of time. And seriously. Get vaccinated. All the cool kids are doing it.
Woody’s Cheesesteak across Piedmont Park seems to have not changed since it opened in 1975. It’s a no-frills, delicious classic cheesesteak joint. This week it was announced that Woody’s will be opening a new food stall, in the yet to open Southern Feedstore in the East Atlanta Village. The Southern Feedstore is being built in the former location of Graveyard Tavern, and will also host a Buteco Coffee which serves up Brazillian street food. Southern Feedstore is planning to open doors this summer and will be announcing 4 more food stalls in the coming months.
Will there be a housing market crash?
Due to the astonishing rise of home prices, we've been getting a lot of questions if we are headed towards a housing bubble. What could this mean for home prices? While we're certainly no economists--and we can't say for sure whether a crash is really around the corner--we can look to what's happened during the past year to give a little insight on what might happen in real estate in the coming months.
But more importantly--how should that affect whether or not you buy a house? This week on The Landis Look, Justin takes a look at what we can learn from the past and reveals the questions you should ask yourself to decide whether you should buy now or wait it out.